Chef cooking in kitchen

From supply chain to Rely Chain

Supply chains are at breaking point, leading to immense pressure for operators. We’ve carried out research and gathered experts from across the hospitality industry to explore the biggest supply chain challenges. With a mission to uncover new solutions to overcome these challenges together, we want to turn the supply chain into the Rely Chain.


Chefs putting food on trays


Over 50% of caterers feel suppliers had been less reliable over the past five years.

Barista at coffee shop counter till

Increased Costs

Hospitality operators have seen price rises of up to 30% due to supply chain breakdowns.

Lorry driver unloading food

Closed Doors

61% have had to reduce opening hours as a result of increased costs.

Team writing notes in notepad

Disappointed Customers

57% said failing to meet customer expectations was the biggest impact of disruptions.

Wine glasses on table with a plate of food

Less Menu Choice

56% now provide less variety to customers.

Baristas in coffee shop

Staff Wellbeing

57% said staff mental health had been negatively impacted.

Chef plating food


44% are diversifying their supply chain.

Baker putting bread in oven

Buying Local

53% are working with more local suppliers to improve reliability.

Lorry driver giving colleague crate of food


59% are taking steps to work more closely with suppliers.

Hand shaking illustration.


Working closely with suppliers means orders can be planned further in advance and cost-effective solutions can be found together. 

Heidi Stone, Strategic Growth Director, CH&Co:

“We are forward-buying as much as we can, which has forced us to work more in partnership with suppliers.”

Steam oven illustration.


Reliability is key when it comes to equipment – breakdowns can have the biggest impact on operations, but are often not prioritised until it’s too late. Not only does maintenance prevent broken equipment ending up in landfill, just 1mm of scale build up caused by untreated water in equipment means 7% more energy is required to heat the water.

Chris Fay, Business Account Manager, BRITA Professional: “Customers look at overheads and costs, but if they don’t maintain their combi-oven, it will cost them more in the long run. Preventative maintenance is key to keeping those profits and keeping staff stress levels down.”

Pen filling our form illustration.


When reliability of suppliers is put into question by disruptions, working with trusted brands with a good track-record can help ensure orders are met on time. 

Chris Gamm, Chief Executive, Springboard: “For equipment, we typically go with big, well-known brand names who we know will provide the best on the market, ensure we comply with legislation, stay ahead of trends and could bring a bit of a following to us through the people who follow their product.”

Sad face illustration.


When the reliability of suppliers is put into question by disruptions, working with trusted brands with a good track record can help ensure orders are met on time. 

  • Unfulfilled orders causing last-minute changes to the menu.

  • Overpromoted into roles that they don’t have enough experience or training for.

  • Equipment breaking down at unexpected times.

  • Customer disappointment when a menu has to change or prices increase.

To mitigate supply chain issues, hospitality businesses, no matter where they sit in the supply chain, need to promote a positive culture that prioritises wellbeing in their workplaces.

Chet Sharma, Chef Patron, BiBi: “As a small independent, I worry about staffing more than food costs. I don’t know where our staff will come from among the younger generations.”

Suppliers illustration.


The hospitality supply chain is built on reliability. Trust between operators and suppliers starts with open discussions, both at onboarding and throughout their partnerships, to help develop solutions together.

Chris Fay, Business Account Manager, BRITA: "When it comes to putting a plate a food on the table, reliance on the supply chain is immeasurable."

Steve Hawkins, Managing Director for schools, Sodexo: “We have 4,500 suppliers in the UK and we see it as essential to develop that relationship to make us successful.

Get in touch

BRITA Managed Services monitor water filter usage and test water hardness, meaning filters can be exchanged on time. This helps equipment run more efficiently and also avoids expensive repairs and equipment breakdowns due to limescale build-up.

For more information on BRITA Professional’s Rely Chain campaign, please click here to see how we are shining a light on fostering reliability within the supply chain.