Introducing The Top Pro Still
The Top Pro Still water dispenser incorporates the latest energy-saving and hygiene technology to provide high-quality, sustainable and safe filtered water for your workplace, healthcare environment or foodservice outlet.

Benefits of our still only dispenser
- Two water types: Chilled still and ambient
- No Gas (CO2) required. For sparkling options, check out our BRITA VIVREAU Top Pro
- Countertop and floorstanding version
- Rent and Buy options available
- Easy to use - touch control and convenient filling in two individually adjustable portion sizes
- Quick and easy installation
- Hygiene features such as Clarity Protect filter, ThermalGatetm and optional HygienePlus
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User-friendly features
- A reliable source of excellent, fresh and great-tasting drinking water
- High-quality water cooler delivers consistent cooling performance
- Quiet operation: low, conversation-level noise when in use
- Premium design and hiqh-quality materials, such as stainless-steel
- The perfect match: combine the dispenser with reusable, customizable BRITA bottles that can be branded
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Expertise in Hygiene
The Top Pro Still incorporates the latest hygiene technology to ensure safe and sustainable hydration, no matter the environment.
The water dispenser system is built as standard with BRITA’s unique ThermalGate™ technology, which automatically heats the outlet tap at regular intervals to thermally disinfect it. This protects against retrograde contamination from external sources, such as physical contact (e.g. touching the tap) and droplets (e.g. from sneezing or coughing). The ThermalGate™ technology is always on duty, even during inactive phases such as overnight or weekend, so no manual effort or chemical additives are required.

The BRITA Vivreau Top Pro Still
Available as floorstanding or countertop, dispensing still chilled and ambient water to suit any environment